Thursday, September 12, 2024

Pisa - Day 3

Yes it happened.... we slept in and missed breakfast. Darn.  I'll have to set an alarm clock for tomorrow morning... if I can remember how to do that!! Oh well the time zone effect is still with us. Breakfast was a tad cold but it was very good.  We cleaned up and got ready to head out for today's adventures.

Some planning for the day as Hugh searched out butcher shops for dinner tonight. He programmed the Nav system in the Alfa Romeo with several butcher shops as well as the Pisa City center.

Off we went on a rather hilly drive through the mountains. It was a lot of fun and reminded us of the trip through the Alps with all the switchbacks.  We soon found ourselves in stop & go traffic with lots of pedestrians.. a clear sign we had arrived near the Piazza del Duomo.  

It took a while but after a few side street excursions, we were able to get some parking within 10 minutes of the Square.  A short walk over and we enjoyed the views that brings millions of people here yearly. 

We bought a pass for everything (except the tower) and went into the Camposanto Monumentale, the Baptistery, the Cathedral and finally the Plazzo del'Opera Museum
Assorted pictures of the day..... 

Hugh & Simone pose before the tower.


Inside the Camposanto Monumentale

The shear size of these pieces is amazing.

Inside the Baptistry

One of the doors to the Cathedral.

Inside the Cathedral

The Pulpit in the Cathedral... built between 1302 and 1310.

Stunning views!


Enjoying the views.
After the walk through the Opera museum, we headed back to the car and we drove towards Lucca. Hugh was in search of a butcher in order to get a nice steak for dinner. The trip turned into a major search as all the shops his GPS went to were either closed down or non existent. We finally found one and after some trips around the block we found a parking spot. Some hand signals and poor english/italian and we had a nice steak in hand.  Finally!!
Back at the Villa, we prepped the fire as everyone was getting hungry. 
We past some time with another round of crib near the BBQ. We also had additional guest in Brian and Linda Gour arrive and we all enjoyed a great meal together.  
Serious business again!

Prepping the BBQ.
Steak dinner!
 Blogging is now complete and it is time for bed. I'll check punctuation etc in the morning and yes, my alarm is set!

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