Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bike Ride to Pisa/Pool Time - Day 6

 We started the day with a quick coffee and then we drove Simone & Kelly down to the bike shop in Lucca. They have a ride to Pisa and back all set up and have already installed a special app on their I-phones. This will provide route guidance and assist in achieving the end goal of completing the trip.

As it was Sunday, traffic was very light but there were lots of cyclist out today. We dropped the gals off in front of the bike rental place and headed home for breakfast. 

Before the trip to Pisa.
 Elena had prepared the meal once again and it was very tasty. After breakfast the Gour clan started to get ready to head off to their hotel in Civitavecchia as they will meet up with their son Justin and board the cruise ship on Monday. We sat around the table and had a great conversation about life issues and how we have overcome them. 

They departed just before noon and I hit the pool area to check the back of my eye lids. Also had a refreshing swim in the pool. It was so peaceful.

My day... very relaxing!

News from the gals included pictures of their ride to Pisa, a selfie pose with the Leaning Tower as a backdrop and a nice glass of liquid refreshments on a lunch table at La Bagatella.  

Happy bikers!
Found her!

They are now heading back toward Lucca according to the Find My app. Should be back in a couple hours.

 Hugh and I headed off to get diesel fuel for the car (it was quick & easy) and also scoped out a restaurant on the hill across from the Villa. The restaurant is called the Viper and is highly rated. It is only 18 minutes away from our location so relatively close. We climbed the winding road up to it's perch on the hillside and took a walk around. It is clearly snake themed so I don't think it's not going to mesh with Kelly. Fortunately there is another restaurant just down the road from it that provides a similar dinning experience so we will look into that place for an evening dinner.

We watched the gals peddle back towards Lucca (on our I-phones) and timed their arrival with ours. A couple laps around the bike shop and we secured some great parking close by. 

They made it! 63 kms round trip!

Next stop was the local Conad store for some much needed supplies (beer & cheese). This was quickly accomplished then it was a low traffic windy route through the hills back to the Villa. It was very windy and I will say the switchback was probably invented because of this very road!!

Moving map was moving!!

Back at the Villa, a crib game broke out again and I went down twice to Hugh.. argh! Kelly was half way through the next game when the dinner bell rang! 

Kelly was pretty beat and didn't eat a lot but did manage desert... funny how that works :-)  We finished up the evening with some TV, blogging and YouTube for some F1 race highlights. 

Breakfast is at 8:30 in the morning as we plan a trip to the west coast. Another great day of vacation is behind us.... off to bed.

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