Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Walled City - Day 2

A nice long sleep-in until 8am local and I was feeling refreshed and ready to go.  A quick shower as our host Elena, prepare a lovely breakfast for us as we planned out our day's activities.  A trip into the Walled City to explore and shop was "targeted". I needed some phone data for both Kelly and myself and Simone wanted to check out some bike rental options.

Breakfast was served
We headed off to Lucca and quickly found a parking spot! Yes amazing! Simone went to rent a bike and hoped to navigate the outer walls of the city in preparation for a long ride to Pisa at a later date. We took some pictures and headed through the gate. Once inside, we explored several churches and shops along the way. There are plenty inside!!

King Vittorio Emanuele II 

Chiesa di San Giusto

Inside the Chiesa di San Giusto

Did I mention parking in Italy is "tight" :-) 

Chiesa di San Michele
Chiesa di San Michele

Kelly popped into several shops along the way as we wandered the small streets. Lots of eateries but Hugh had his eye on one particular spot he had previously seen.  As the noon hour was almost up, we headed to the Osteria Baralla and met up with Simone. She had done numerous bike trips around the city and was going to skip lunch to do some more laps high and low... what a trooper but we had hunger pangs that needed attention! 

These liquids went down very nicely in the 27C heat!!

Lunch was very good as we enjoyed Beef Carpaccio with Pasta and Kelly had the Caprese Salad.  Kelly spotted a tiny shoe store but, unfortunately it was closed... she vowed to come back again!

Tiny shoe store.

After lunch we headed back to the car to meet up with Simone and traveled back to the villa to relax before dinner. The drive took us through some neat roadways. Hopefully this video works!


 Once back at the Villa, Hugh and I gave the car a bath and then relaxed poolside. We also managed to get the phones set up with a data plan using the e-sim feature. This is very slick and relatively easy to do. We face-timed with Kris (tech support) to double check settings. All good!

Hugh's view pool side!

We had a great talk about Hugh's selling of shares in his business and how it all went down. All very interesting to listen to these stories as I learned a lot about various aspect of how to sell such a diverse company. Lots of moving pieces! It all is working out and Hugh and Simone are ready for the next steps in life that retirement will bring. Exciting for a couple that have worked so hard for so long. It's time to enjoy the fruits of their labor!!

Dinner was prepared for us by Elena and we were stuffed after the second course... and still another one of Sea Bass that came.  Desert and aperitif followed and I needed both a wheel chair and assistance to get away from the table!

Dinner time!

 Post dinner entertainment consisted of some additional work stories and some funny memorable moments in our past lives... and then the serious part commenced. Yep the crib board came out and it was time to see who could deliver on all the "bragging" since the last time we played.

Serious action!

Two 3 handed games ensued and both Hugh and I managed to win one each. Sadly Kelly got skunked on the last game. :-( It happens (I know firsthand!) but we will resume the "Italian Championships" again tomorrow and I am certain she will come back stronger. 

We all started to fade and it was bed time for everyone... except me. I had to get the blog done so they could read it and go to sleep! 

So day 2 of our trip is now in the history books. Off to the rack! Ciao!  

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